Friday, February 1, 2013

{A little interview on the hubsand}

I decided to do a little interview on my husband! I saw this idea from a few other blogs and thought it was a perfect way to end my Friday!
Here it goes and I hope you get to learn a little more about my wonderful guy!

What was you first impression of me?
That you were nice, talkative and really pretty!

What are the qualities you like in me most?
 Your compassion, caring spirit and your love for family.

What are your favorite book(s) of the Bible? Why?
Psalm. They are mostly songs that cover many of life's different emotions and situations. Being a musician that book speaks to me in a way that no other books do.

What do you think about marriage?
I think it's icky! Just kidding! I think marriage is a commitment that goes deeper than the paper we sign. I think it's a commitment we make before God to love and care for each other and show God's compassion to each other. I think that commitment is the single most important commitment that a person can make in their lives short of accepting Jesus as their Savior.

Where would you go for your dream vacation?
A tropical island. Something that has white sandy beaches with drinks that come in coconuts.

What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in your life? 
In the eighth grade I fell off the stage playing worship.

Who is your role model?
I would say our former interim Pastor at Calvary Temple, Pastor Dresselhaus. I love his grace and gentle spirit.

What is your dream job?
A fighter pilot.

What would you change about yourself if given a chance?
My butt chin. ( He never shaves the hair off that part of his face. EVER.)

Which celebrity do you dislike the most?
Nicki Minaj aka Miss Potato Head

What makes you the most fulfilled or happiest as a husband?
When you are sleeping and I kiss you on the forehead and you give a little smile when you're sleeping.

What is your love language?
Words of affirmation and physical touch. ( as he strokes my forehead )

Which animal would you like to be?
Fishing cat.

What is your favorite cartoon character?
Bugs Bunny.

What is your favorite verse?
Psalm 100

Anything else you want to say?
I love my crazy life and I wouldn't change anything about it!

 Happy Friday Everyone!!

Love Forever,
Chel Chel


  1. aw! love it!! Your husband was way more talkative than mine. I'm jealous! haha

    1. Thank you for the idea!! I LOVED that post. I laughed when my hubby said bugs bunny! I told him the girl I got some questions from, her hunny said the same thing. He's not very talkative to people he doesn't really know but he likes doing questions like this =)

  2. what a great interview! You are blessed! and blessed to have each other. good for you both! love his answers, especially to the commitment of marriage....
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    p.s. my son wants to be a fighter pilot.

    1. Thank you so much! God really has blessed us both. He makes me a better person and totally balances me out. God knew what I needed. =)

  3. this is so sweet! What great answers :) Love the pic of you playing the guitar - you guys look like a rockstar couple.
