
Thursday, May 1, 2014

//Bumpdate 36 weeks

 How many weeks: 36 weeks
Movement: This little guy is the hiccup king. Almost everyday this one gets them. It's so funny. It's like a rave in my womb.
Symptoms: Still really swollen. Braxton hicks. Tummy getting uncomfortable in most clothes. 
Any weight gain: I have an appt tomorrow but last I checked I was up 19 pounds. I'm sure I've gained at least 2 more. 
Sleep: Not really happening this week. I'm up for hours on end sometimes. 
Moods: I have been pretty mellow this week. I did wake up crying this morning because I couldn't sleep pretty much at all last night. It was so hot in our apartment and I was just miserable trying to get comfortable. Once I finally fell back asleep again at like 6:30 am my hubby was playing with Daisy and they accidently knocked over the pickle jar with all the coins in it. I instantly woke up and just burst into tears and said, "I just want to sleep!" oh, won't that be my life everyday pretty soon. I reassured him I wasn't mad at him and he felt pretty bad about it. Poor guy!
Stretch Marks: None I can see. 
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It is as flat as a pancake. I am surprised it hasn't popped out. 
Rings on or off: Off! I wear a fakie sometimes. 
Moments during the week: I went to the Northwest District Council in Vancouver, WA these past few days and it was really fun! It was nice meeting people and getting to know more about what the Northwest Ministry Network is about. Everyone is really relevant and thinks outside the box. 

Today was a pretty sad day. I was coming home from lunch with some friends and saw a vehicle flipped over on the church property where Andrew and I live. The older man in the car had hit someone behind him and I believe stopped really fast and rolled into the grassy ditch in front of our church. He was wearing his seatbelt but was moaning and had thrown up. When the paramedics took him out of the car they were performing CPR on him. They took him in full lights and sirens and I just found out a little while ago he has passed away. I am trying to not let in affect my mood but it's hard seeing his car still flipped right outside my apartment windows.
 It just makes you appreciate life a little more.

I am grateful to have Liam growing strong and healthy inside of me. I was having just so many emotions run through me this past week as his due date approaches. I am feeling the anticipation of meeting him and just praying he is healthy and happy.

I know so many women who have gone through so much and I tend to take on other people's burdens which can really bring a negative affect to my emotional state. 

Jesus is reminding me that He has His perfect plan for me and I am not on everyone else's journey. It can be hard for me to remember that sometimes and I think I tend to let that distract me so I don't always have to focus on the things I don't like about the journey I am on. I am realizing more that I just need to trust in His plans and let them unfold in my life. God has called Andrew and I here and I feel such peace about that but yet sometimes I really just let the enemy take over my mind. 

I encourage you to remember God has you on His perfect plan for YOUR life. Let Him work through you in that today. 

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

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