
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

//Bumpdate 35 weeks

How many weeks: 35 weeks
Movement: Liam is moving a lot. He does lots of rolls and like slow pushes out on my stomach. He is running out of room because I can feel him moving around like he is trying to get comfortable. I love when I touch my belly and he pushes back.
Symptoms: Very swollen in my hands and feet still. Uncomfortable aches and pains so it's hard to sit or stand to long. He has started going into my ribs which is so painful! Tired. Overall starting to feel pretty big.
Any weight gain: 19 pounds total so far!
Sleep: Really hard to get comfortable. Although once I do I am out like a light!
Moods: Feeling sentimental lately. Also, feeling anxious about his arrival. 
Stretch Marks: Nope. I am slathering on body butter all the time! I am determined. However, Andrew says if I get them it isn't a big deal but I am really hoping to not. 
Linea Negra: Yes! Andrew says he can totally see it
Belly button in or out: In but I think that thing could pop out any moment. 
Rings on or off: Off! I wear a fakie sometimes. 
Moments during the week: Last week of work! Yay! I was feeling anxious about this a few weeks ago. I was really having a hard time trusting God and knowing He would provide for Andrew, me and Liam. I just was being my typical workaholic self and was going to work up until the last minute. I just knew in my heart though I couldn't keep going that long. It was to much and my body is crying for rest. God totally honored my faith in that though and so I am glad I listened to my body and also to Him. I just try to control everything and I am constantly being proven that God has it under control and so I have really let that fear of doubt go. It's really hard most days to do that but I know that God has us hear in the season to fully learn to trust Him. It's hard with a baby on the way though! I know though everything will be okay and Andrew and I are exactly where we are supposed to be. We have an amazing support system, family, friends and church and I am truly grateful for that!

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

P.S. Someone sent me something from Amazon and it had no tag so whoever it was thank you!


  1. You're looking so glowing and beautiful! xx

  2. pretty nice blog, following :)
