
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

//Bumpdate 39 weeks

Yes...still pregnant over here.
How many weeks: 39 weeks

Movement: he moves but it's seems he's running out of room to really give me the big dramatic kicks now. It more so feels like he's trying to escape. It's a weird thing to describe. 
Symptoms: Tired. Anxious. Swollen. Over it. 
Any weight gain: 22 pounds total. 
Sleep: I sleep good. I haven't been napping as much which I should try and squeeze in now while I can. 
Moods: This week has been hard. Pregnancy emotions seem to magnify everything. I think I've cried every day at least once if not more. 
Stretch Marks: Nope!
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It's out according to Andrew. 
Rings on or off: Off! I don't even bother with the fake rings anymore. My hands hurt and tingle and it's not worth it to try and find a ring to wear at this point.
Moments during the week: This week. I've had quite a week. I'm ready for Liam to be out of my body. He's making me insane. ( not that he won't outside of my body but at least he won't be giving me this buldging belly) 
I'm just in a place where I'm really trying to trust God. I don't think I've ever had my faith stretched in a way where I have no choice but to just put my faith in Him that everything will be okay. I feel prepared in the sense that I have everything for Liam but everything else I feel so unprepared for. It's true when they say if you wait to be ready you will never have kids but I just never thought I would be so fully relieant on other people to help out. It's definitely a pride issue I'm dealing with too & a humbling place of life to be in. 

Anyways, a lot of prayer would be great. 
//For Liam to come happy & healthy. 
//That I would have the smoothest delivery possible. 
//That Andrew & I would be able to transition into parenthood together while still being a married couple first. 
//Gods provision of finances 
//That my emotions stay positive as I learn to be a new mom & same for Andrew as he learns to be a dad. 

I have been holding on to a few verses this week.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Now faith is confidence in what we had hoped for and assurance about what we do not see." 
Hebrews 11:1

"For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

//Bumpdate 38 weeks

How many weeks: 38 weeks
Movement: he has different times of the day when I expect him to move because that's when he seems to be most active. I am curious to see if those times match up at all when he is here.
Symptoms: Tired. Feeling very pregnant.
Any weight gain: I am up to 21 pounds. 
Sleep: I sleep good. Trying to get in the uninterrupted sleep now.
Moods: I won't lie. In the mornings I am super cranky. Poor Andrew is so over my moody-ness. By the afternoon I feel great and then when early evening hits I'm done.
Stretch Marks: Nope!
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It is as flat as a pancake. I am surprised it hasn't popped out. 
Rings on or off: Off! I don't even bother with the fake rings anymore. My hands hurt and tingle and it's not worth it to try and find a ring to wear at this point.
Moments during the week: This week Andrew has been home which has been really nice. He was working a temp job for three weeks so after I was done with work I was pretty lonely during the day. He also got a call back for another temp job at the same place so he might again be gone quite a while during the day which is great but will totally bore me to death!

//So we have a little competition we want to get going! Tell us your guess for when you think Liam will come! You must pick the date and a time! It can be as exact as something like May 24 at 5:37pm.  Since I really could go into labor as early as now let's get the guesses in by Sunday May 18! You can facebook me, instagram me, text me if you have my number, or e-mail me at I will be making a list at home to keep track of everyone's guesses! Good luck!//

God has a funny way of showing me He is ultimately in charge. Every time I feel like doubting God's plan for us I have been quick to try and give that up to God and not let myself go down that road that the enemy totally traps me in. I have so many emotions buzzing through me that it's easy for me to get into a place where I question every single little thing. I am such a deep thinker too that I always go to the most outrageous scenarios. All that to say I know God has a great plan for Andrew and I and know He has an even greater one for this little guy He is letting us take care of. 

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

//Bumpdate 37 weeks

 How many weeks: 37 weeks
Movement: Lots of tumbling and rumbling as expected. I think he saying he wants to come out and play!
Symptoms: Swollen. Tired. Low energy if I don't take a lot of breaks.  
Any weight gain: I am up to 20 pounds. 
Sleep: Pretty good minus the many times I get up to use the bathroom. I have lots of pillow people around me to keep me comfortable. 
Moods: Pretty relaxed. A lot of unexpected things keep popping up but I am trying to remain positive and not let life get in the way to much. I also have a bad habit of taking on other people's burden's and that really drains me so I have really been trying to be a listening ear but not take everything to heart. 
Stretch Marks: None I can see. 
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It is as flat as a pancake. I am surprised it hasn't popped out. 
Rings on or off: Off! I wear a fakie sometimes. 
Moments during the week: I go in every week now for an appointment. It's nice getting to hear this little guy's heartbeat more often now. I am really trying to relax and take it easy. If Liam were to come today I would feel pretty prepared.

 I have been allowing myself to rest and to take frequent naps. I can tell my body needs it too because I can pretty much fall asleep at any hour now. I know sleep won't be in my vocabulary soon so I don't feel guilty when I rest. 

Daisy has really been stir crazy and I think she can sense change is happening. She gave us a scare on Monday and went back behind a freezer downstairs where we cook and there was decon back there (rat poison) but Andrew and I highly doubt she actually ate any. I think the second Andrew saw her back there she had just gone behind and didn't even have a chance to really let her curiosity get the best of her. Literally. We took her in anyways and she is now getting Vitamin K every night to help boost her blood in the case she did ingest some but she has been totally normal since Monday and usually the symptoms would start popping up by now. Cats, I tell ya. They didn't make up the saying, "curiosity killed the cat."Although she seems totally fine and I believe she is but that wasn't a very fun evening!

My original due date is May 28. I totally goofed last time and went to my other approximate due date of the 23. I keep mixing them up so honestly when he comes, he comes!

Please keep Andrew and I in your prayers as we will soon enter the journey of parenthood. This season hasn't been super easy but yet very fulfilling. God has really stretched Andrew and I in Washington and I know He has big plans for us. Sometimes in the day to day though that can be hard to remember. I know I can trust Him though because God has shown up every time we thought we were in a tough spot. God is good!

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

Thursday, May 1, 2014

//Bumpdate 36 weeks

 How many weeks: 36 weeks
Movement: This little guy is the hiccup king. Almost everyday this one gets them. It's so funny. It's like a rave in my womb.
Symptoms: Still really swollen. Braxton hicks. Tummy getting uncomfortable in most clothes. 
Any weight gain: I have an appt tomorrow but last I checked I was up 19 pounds. I'm sure I've gained at least 2 more. 
Sleep: Not really happening this week. I'm up for hours on end sometimes. 
Moods: I have been pretty mellow this week. I did wake up crying this morning because I couldn't sleep pretty much at all last night. It was so hot in our apartment and I was just miserable trying to get comfortable. Once I finally fell back asleep again at like 6:30 am my hubby was playing with Daisy and they accidently knocked over the pickle jar with all the coins in it. I instantly woke up and just burst into tears and said, "I just want to sleep!" oh, won't that be my life everyday pretty soon. I reassured him I wasn't mad at him and he felt pretty bad about it. Poor guy!
Stretch Marks: None I can see. 
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It is as flat as a pancake. I am surprised it hasn't popped out. 
Rings on or off: Off! I wear a fakie sometimes. 
Moments during the week: I went to the Northwest District Council in Vancouver, WA these past few days and it was really fun! It was nice meeting people and getting to know more about what the Northwest Ministry Network is about. Everyone is really relevant and thinks outside the box. 

Today was a pretty sad day. I was coming home from lunch with some friends and saw a vehicle flipped over on the church property where Andrew and I live. The older man in the car had hit someone behind him and I believe stopped really fast and rolled into the grassy ditch in front of our church. He was wearing his seatbelt but was moaning and had thrown up. When the paramedics took him out of the car they were performing CPR on him. They took him in full lights and sirens and I just found out a little while ago he has passed away. I am trying to not let in affect my mood but it's hard seeing his car still flipped right outside my apartment windows.
 It just makes you appreciate life a little more.

I am grateful to have Liam growing strong and healthy inside of me. I was having just so many emotions run through me this past week as his due date approaches. I am feeling the anticipation of meeting him and just praying he is healthy and happy.

I know so many women who have gone through so much and I tend to take on other people's burdens which can really bring a negative affect to my emotional state. 

Jesus is reminding me that He has His perfect plan for me and I am not on everyone else's journey. It can be hard for me to remember that sometimes and I think I tend to let that distract me so I don't always have to focus on the things I don't like about the journey I am on. I am realizing more that I just need to trust in His plans and let them unfold in my life. God has called Andrew and I here and I feel such peace about that but yet sometimes I really just let the enemy take over my mind. 

I encourage you to remember God has you on His perfect plan for YOUR life. Let Him work through you in that today. 

Love Forever,
Chel Chel