
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

//Bumpdate 38 weeks

How many weeks: 38 weeks
Movement: he has different times of the day when I expect him to move because that's when he seems to be most active. I am curious to see if those times match up at all when he is here.
Symptoms: Tired. Feeling very pregnant.
Any weight gain: I am up to 21 pounds. 
Sleep: I sleep good. Trying to get in the uninterrupted sleep now.
Moods: I won't lie. In the mornings I am super cranky. Poor Andrew is so over my moody-ness. By the afternoon I feel great and then when early evening hits I'm done.
Stretch Marks: Nope!
Linea Negra: Yes!
Belly button in or out: It is as flat as a pancake. I am surprised it hasn't popped out. 
Rings on or off: Off! I don't even bother with the fake rings anymore. My hands hurt and tingle and it's not worth it to try and find a ring to wear at this point.
Moments during the week: This week Andrew has been home which has been really nice. He was working a temp job for three weeks so after I was done with work I was pretty lonely during the day. He also got a call back for another temp job at the same place so he might again be gone quite a while during the day which is great but will totally bore me to death!

//So we have a little competition we want to get going! Tell us your guess for when you think Liam will come! You must pick the date and a time! It can be as exact as something like May 24 at 5:37pm.  Since I really could go into labor as early as now let's get the guesses in by Sunday May 18! You can facebook me, instagram me, text me if you have my number, or e-mail me at I will be making a list at home to keep track of everyone's guesses! Good luck!//

God has a funny way of showing me He is ultimately in charge. Every time I feel like doubting God's plan for us I have been quick to try and give that up to God and not let myself go down that road that the enemy totally traps me in. I have so many emotions buzzing through me that it's easy for me to get into a place where I question every single little thing. I am such a deep thinker too that I always go to the most outrageous scenarios. All that to say I know God has a great plan for Andrew and I and know He has an even greater one for this little guy He is letting us take care of. 

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

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