
Friday, March 14, 2014

// Bumpdate 30 weeks

How many weeks: 30 weeks
Movement: SO MUCH movement! He has been kicking me like crazy! Andrew has been able to feel and see him and my friend Andrea just saw him move yesterday! It was so cool!
Symptoms: This week I have felt alright actually. It has been a very busy week and I won't slow down until I am literally in the car Wednesday driving back to CA. Rest and relaxation will be nice.
Any weight gain: I have a DR. appt Tuesday so we shall see. Everyone says I'm tiny though so I haven't gained very much. I had one mom totally shocked when I told her I was expecting in May and she just couldn't believe I was 7 months. 
Sleep: I can fall asleep okay but getting up has been hard. I feel like I could hibernate forever.
Cravings: Nothing really this week. 
Moods: Mostly happy just slow and tired. 
Stretch Marks: No new ones.
Linea Negra: Nope!
Belly button in or out: Still in but that thing might poke out any day. It sure feels out to me.
Rings on or off: Okay, I had to add this in because I noticed last night after I took my rings off that my finger was a tiny bit swollen. I wear a tungsten medal ring as my wedding band and it cannot be cut so I am probably going to stop wearing that when we leave next week. 
Moments during the week: Not to much other than Liam moving like crazy! Just ready to slow down. I literally have no time to just be and it's starting to wear on me. 5 more days...5 more days.. I got this!

( Camera shy)

See all my family & friends in California soon!

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

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