
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Contentment + Cara Box

Lately, I have been thinking more about being content. 
Content with life.
All aspects.

It's not easy to be content when you look around and start to compare your life to the one's around you.
I could sit here right now and become very discontent.
Real fast.
I could being discontent with the cars my husband and I drive.
The fact that one of them is in the driveway with a broken clutch.
With our apartment because it's older.
With work.
With finances.
With raises I feel we deserve.
With my clothes.
With my hair.
With my body.
With wanting a baby.
With wanting people to respect me. 
and on & on & on.
I could go and start letting negativity pour and marinate my mind.

It's a sick thing we do to ourselves. On purpose. 
We let ourselves get this idea in our heads we need more and that will make us happy.
Wrong. Oh so wrong that thought is. 
We get so worked up over what other people have & they get all worked up with that we have!

I am learning to be content. About 98 percent of the time I could really say I am content. 
I'm married to an amazing man.
I'm taking care of my body & health.
I have a wonderful family ( which includes a lot of people now.)
I have amazing friends who love & support me & help me grow.
I have a job that fulfills me inside.
I have clothes to wear.
A roof over my head.
A car to get me places.
& even enough extra money to feed my Starbucks addiction.

I literally just chose to become content instead of discontent. It's a choice you make.
Other things I'm discontent with are only because I haven't made the choice to change it.
I have been blessed with so much when others are blessed with so little. It's okay to dream & want more but don't let material superficial things overtake the joy in your life. There is so much beauty in this world. I choose daily to live my life & discover the beauty around me.

I participated in the April Cara Box Exchange which is such an awesome thing! I love getting to know other bloggers and being able to send treats in the mail. I also look forward to this because it instantly brightens my day!
Check out Stevie's box I sent her! She seemed to really enjoy it!
My box came from Krystal and she sent me an awesome box! I was flooded with joy & warmth through her encouraging note and all the thoughtful things she sent me!

The water bottle I have used on almost all my runs now. It's the perfect size.
The chocolate was gone in 5 seconds. Let's be real! I have a chocolate problem
I started growing my herbs she sent me!
The candle smells amazing and has been burning on the coffee table ever since. 
The towel has come in handy because we ran out of paper towels.
The amazing little poof will be with me in my next bath time.
Thank you again Krystal! You really made me smile!

Happy Tuesday!
Love Forever,
Chel Chel

P.S. I didn't forget about my beauty giveaway when I reach 30 followers on bloglovin! I only have 10 more to go!

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1 comment:

  1. Being content is so hard! You're right, with all is around us, it is easy to get caught up in what we don't have or want to change. This is a daily struggle for me. You are not alone in it!
