
Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday's Confessions.

Here are my confessions:
1. I am so OVER this week. Having to replace the clutch on the car is not fun!
2. I am so glad God made me an opinionated, strong, confident woman. 
3. I am thankful for the Spirit of discernment that is evident in my life.
4. I am not afraid to speak truth when needed & I am not afraid for someone to speak truth to me.
5. I am happy my best friend has made a long road trip from Florida back to Arizona so that now I don't have to think about a three hour time difference.
6. I am proud of myself for the 6 miles I have ran this week so far.
7. I am SO EXCITED for my birthday on Sunday!! I am ready for you twenty-three.
 & for the surprise my hubby has for me!?!

Any confessions?
Go see Leslie!
Love Forever,
Chel Chel
P.S. If you have been enjoying my blog would you mind liking my page on Facebook?
Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Wish I could get a better grasp on the spirit of discernment!! Stopping over from the link up. happy birthday!

  2. Blehh replacing your clutch sounds awful...and expensive! Yikes. Happy birthday!! YAY!
