
Monday, January 21, 2013

happy ( half ) anniversary!!

Happy 6 months of marriage to Andrew and I!!!

What pure bliss it has been to be married to my best friend. I love this man so much. He loves the Lord, plays music, has a humble spirit, loves ice cream, likes to go on adventures, brings me treats, dresses cool, and most of all just loves me for me. He doesn't try to change me only help me grow in areas that our tougher than others. I have done this for him as well. Marriage isn't easy.

 Let me say that again. Marriage isn't easy.

However, with God in the center of our marriage it's easier. We are two imperfect people loving each other and well annoying each other. We have learned to say sorry and forgive one another and to move on. We have learned each others love languages and try to speak those daily. Most of all we just choose love because in the long run it makes us stronger, healthier and able to do the will God has placed on our lives. 

We have gone through the ringer of changes since getting married. We well got married! DUH! Then we got our own apartment, started paying all our own bills and learned to be a team. It's been tough but it has also been really fun and a nice feeling knowing we can stand on our own two feet and make it. 

I am so BLESSED to be able to spend forever with Andrew. I cherish him daily and pray for us constantly. Thank you Andrew for bringing me such joy in life and always reminding me you will always be there for me.

Also, Happy MLK day everyone!

Love forever,
Chel Chel


  1. gorgeous wedding pictures! Happy {half} anniversary! I think the first six months are the hardest (so far for me at least)- you're trying to get used to living together, figuring out a schedule and your roles around the house and the marriage, and just getting used to being a forever "us" instead of a "me". Good things take work, and are worth the effort. But it sounds like you already know that :)

    1. Thank you! Would you ever guess it was 100 degrees that day?? oh yes! The living together and figuring out schedules (with one car) gets tricky. We both work at the same place though which makes life a little easier. He works at our church and I work at the school withen our church. Good things do take work but we're happy to put in the work! =)

  2. YAAAAY! I can't believe it has already been 6 months since I got to watch my GORGEOUS friend walk down the ilse. So exciting to see God work in your relationship!

    1. I know! Where did the time go?! Miss you my friend and hoping to attend your wedding one day (soon?) love ya!
