
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Skip the Diet

Okay, seriously this has been sort of annoying me.
"Well I have to starve myself for this...blah blah then I can eat whatever I want again."
Aka still feel like crap all the time again.
Here's a secret. 
You know I eat MORE than I did when I wasn't healthy.
I eat 4-5 times a day with smaller meals packed with protein, complex carbs and healthy fats.
I run 3-5 days a week.
Strength train 2-4 times a week.

There is no easy fix. 
It takes hard work. Trial and error.
Motivation to keep going!
When I look at my before and after pictures I am amazed at my results.
You're not going to lose 50 pounds in a month.
That's not realistic, healthy or a long term solution.

I eat about 80-90 percent clean.
Moderation for the rest of the not so healthy stuff.
Drink tons of water.

You have to decide how you want to feel everyday.
Nobody can make that choice for you.
When I eat healthy I feel better.
My brain wakes up.
My body works at full function the way it was made too.
I have more energy.
I feel alive & refreshed!
Empty calories ( fats & sugars) are killing Americans & leaving you feeling hungry because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs.

I speak up because I know how much easier it is to grab the doughnut, fast food and soda because it's convenient. It's way easier.
It's not easy for me to meal prep my meals for all day while I'm gone at work.
However, I choose to because I know I am giving my body what it needs.
You can't expect something to work without giving it 100 percent & giving it exactly what it needs.

I encourage you to try.
Try for one week & see how you feel.
I promise you won't regret it.
No one said it was going to be easy but its worth it.

Source: via Chelsea on Pinterest

Love Forever,
Chel Chel
|| Remember I am having a beauty giveaway once I hit 30 followers on Bloglovin! You are all so great & I LOVE hearing from you and getting a glimpse into your world! ||
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mint & Lace

 Top: Forever 21 //Jeans: Forever 21 Plus (Size 12! Holler! Almost back in the 10's!) //Flats: Target Necklace: Target// Arm Candy: Forever 21// Nail Polish: Target NYC

I have been swooning over this mint lace top since I picked it up at Forever 21. 
My hubby took me shopping because I have been spring cleaning & getting rid/ selling clothes that he knew I was needing some more tops. 
I was grabbing left and right not necessarily paying attention to sizes.
 Usually at Forever 21 if it wasn't a size large I didn't even bother.
I mean before I started getting serious about my health I was barely a 14 making nice in the size 16 comfort zone!
I was in the dressing room trying on top after top.
Loved this black one that was similar to this one but it was black. I needed more color in my life.
It's spring, Hello?!!!
I tried this one on and LOVED it.
Of course the net thing I do is look at the price tag and see how much damage I'm doing.
Looked past the 19.80 or whatever price tag and saw it was a size....

Yup you heard me. Small.
I think my jaw dropped to the floor.
Now it is a flowy top but not in the chest area. 
That's always where tops don't fit.
I have an hourglass shape so getting things to fit around my waist isn't usually a problem.
Nope. That pretty top button right over those puppies!

I realize I am not going to be a small everywhere and that's okay.
My point here is that before I wouldn't have bothered to look at this top and I would have probably walked out of that store feeling bad about myself.

I just want to remind you that weight loss isn't an easy journey.
I mess up all the time.
I skip a workout.
Or I eat the stupid delicious brownies my husband makes me.
Or I still beat myself up because I'm not pushing myself as hard as I know I can.
Everyday though I try harder.
I try to be better.
Make better choices.
Love my body where it's at right now.
Treat it with respect.
When I take care of my body the thing's it allows me to do are amazing!

Alright, long rant over!
This top is a perfect piece for spring and I see much use out of it in the sunny California summers.
These jeans are very comfy and I recommend if you carry weight on your bottom half these jeans are very forgiving for both your figure and wallet.
These jeans are transition jeans as I keep losing so for 13.80 I'm not complaining!
Added some very neon accessories and I was ready for a great day!
Also, this lace back is going to be even more perfect for me after my hair appointment Thursday!

What pieces are you adding into your wardrobe this season?

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

|| Remember I am having a beauty giveaway once I hit 30 followers on Bloglovin! You are all so great & I LOVE hearing from you and getting a glimpse into your world! ||

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Linked up with: Style Elixir // Pleated Poppy

Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekend Love.

This weekend was a blast!
It's been pretty warm here in sunny California but not to bad, yet. 

I went hiking on Saturday with some friends. We did a 5 mile hike around the Lafayette Reservoir.
It's absolutely gorgeous and you can see Mt. Diablo once you get to the top. 

There are quite a few big hills but there is one I call the "demon hill." 
You literally are almost crawling on your hands and knees up this thing!
It's tough but rewarding once you get to the top of it.
The demon hill

Aren't I cute?! There's a lot of carrots and PB in that chipmunk mouth!

It was such a great feeling knowing I can hike 5 miles and it's really not to tough for me to do.
I really needed it because the week before was Teacher Appreciation week and this past Friday I caved and literally ate everything in sight. I almost puked that night. Once I started I couldn't stop. It was horrible. I eat pretty clean so that about gave me a heart attack. 
However, I know tat one day isn't going to throw off my whole journey. The way I look and feel is more important to me than the number on the scale. People telling me I look smaller and my husband saying to me, "Wow you are getting so tiny!" make me feel like a million bucks.
Getting to buy new smaller clothes because everything else is falling off is what I keep working for. 
That's why I keep going.
Also, because when I eat good and exercise I FEEL good.
Friday was horrible. I felt gross and bloated & I can't believe I let myself feel like that everyday.
I work out for me. I eat healthy for me. Because I'm worth it & so are you.

Mothers day was awesome!

Top: Forever 21 Jacket: Forever 21 Jeans: Forever 21( smallest size in plus section! ya!) Shoes: Toms Wedges

I started off going to church ( the early morning service! Who am I anymore!)
The kids did a rockin job signing! They did 4 songs and a couple of my kiddos from the school sang!
They melt my heart!
Oh and my hubby designed all the lights.
He's cool like that.

Eggs Benedict!

My Mom picked me up from church and we headed to one of my favorite local spots called Chow.
I treated my mom and sister and it was a nice time to sit dow and talk.
This restaurant is all organic which is awesome.
It's always pretty busy but that's because it's so good!
I defiantly recommend if you live in the bay area.

Instagram: @chelzz08

We then headed to the reservoir and we did the inner trail which is almost 3 miles and way easier than the outer rim I did the day before!
 We power walked and ran a little bit.
It was so HOT though. I braved it & took my shirt off.
I seriously didn't care. It was hot & honestly I am proud of where I am right now.
I'm not perfect and not super tight everywhere but I am proud of my body.
It amazes me how far I can push it & what it's capable of doing.
My mom is awesome too! I've inspired her to run and she can run a mile in under 12 mins!
She rocks!
We came back to my place and laid by the pool for a bit to get ours tans going!
( I spray tan so I sat in the shade most of the time)
I took the BEST nap and relaxed with the hubby for the rest of that day.
It was a nice sunny and warm filled weekend with family.
I also feel much better than I did Friday!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Love Forever,
Chel Chel 

|| Remember I am having a beauty giveaway once I hit 30 followers on Bloglovin! You are all so great & I LOVE hearing from you and getting a glimpse into your world! ||
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Linked up with:Samis Shenanigans

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My spiritual high is higher than yours.

I have been sitting here laughing at how hilarious yet true this guy is!

I have been thinking lately about being content in all areas of my life.
That includes my spiritual life.
I suppose I am a typical "Christian."
I pray.
Read my bible.
Go to church.
Attend events.
Served on missions trips.

 I can say though that those are all great things.
However, I think Christianity has gotten so over media-lized.
Everyone posts their verse of the day.
(yeah, I have the same Bible app you do, read that one too. Thanks!)
Tweets about how God is moving in their lives right in this very moment.
Getting married at 18 because God gave me His blessing over my life.
Instagraming their Bible's at Starbucks.
Look how spiritual and full my life is!

Blah blah blah!
Okay I am sorry that's all dandy but it's not always real.
The inter-web is not a real social place.
People face to face in REAL life are.
People have real issues and problems that can't be fixed with a verse of the day.

I get a little upset when people try to make out their lives to be WAYYY more spiritual than mine.
Just because I'm not facebooking it every 5 minutes doesn't make me less spiritual.
God knows my heart.
He knows I try to love people where they are at.
He knows it & I know it.

I have a personality.
One that doesn't include talking about God 24/7
I have other things to talk about!
I have other dreams & goals and life to handle & yeah God has obviously a big role but it's not my every single thought all day long.
It's just not.
Actually I'm not sorry because I don't feel "guilty" not pretending I am so overly spiritual person all the time.
That would be a lie.
I'm not a liar.

I feel like more people should learn to have relationships that are actually meaningful and don't include shallow Christian fellowship.
That's not real & it's not fulfilling and I don't think God intended that. 
Growing in God includes learning and making mistakes and remembering He gave us grace.
It doesn't need to be tweeted a 100 times a day. 
We already have it. It's there to take, so just take it.

I encourage you to not always show your social media friends how "Christian" you are but actually taking the time to develop a meaningful relationship with our Creator and with the people around you.

Love Forever,
Chel Chel

|| Remember I am having a beauty giveaway once I hit 30 followers on Bloglovin! You are all so great & I LOVE hearing from you and getting a glimpse into your world! ||
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Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, Where have you been?

This week has been one of the longest one's I have had in a while.
When my husband and I were dating I was working three jobs.
Yes three.
Retail @ J.Crew
After School Extended Day
My schedule was crazy and I never had a minute to relax.
Never a moment to myself.
I quit the first two jobs 2 summers ago which was a few months before I was engaged.
( I can't believe that much time has past! )
I went from a crazy schedule to my very part-time after school job. It was perfect though. 
I had my mornings & early afternoons to work out, hang out with friends & rest.
Then on to eventually planning a wedding. 
Which I NEVER want to do again.
I loved having a wedding but I understand now why people don't deal with the fuss.
Anywho so I was enjoying this time of rest God gave me.
I was able to focus on me and grow a lot.
Well this past week a lady who works in the school kitchen had surgery so I took her hours.
Not really thinking it was a big deal because hey I used to work three jobs!
I am SO tired!
My husband has almost no symphony for me and I know most people work an 8 hour day.
However, I forgot how long those days can be. How it really sucks the life out of you. How quickly my joyful attitude has changed because my brain hasn't recharged in enough time. I miss my rest time!
I just want to remind you that rest is important. I am blessed to have more hours of work, don't get me wrong but focusing on yourself is important too. Focusing on your family, kids & friends is important. Taking time to do something you love is important. 
Work is important but, take time to enjoy life because it really goes by so quickly.
Happy Friday!
Love Forever,
Chel Chel
|| Remember I am having a beauty giveaway once I hit 30 followers on Bloglovin! You are all so great & I LOVE hearing from you and getting a glimpse into your world! ||
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Linked up with: TheSweetSeason